If your teen's behavior has crossed over certain boundaries then it's time to consider new kinds of solutions. If substance use is no longer experimental but has become chronic, if defiance seems dangerous, if isolation has become extreme, and similar telltale signs, then the chances of community based resources meeting your family's needs become less likely.

If you are scared, feel like you don't have the skills to deal with where things are headed and don't have the resources available, your instincts are probably right.That's why Earle Consulting exists.
Timothy Earle is the primary consultant of Earle Consulting. He has extensive first hand experience working with teens at risk and their parents, an experience that spans 15 years. Most recently, Timothy was one of the principals who created a nationally recognized leading emotional growth boarding school, and was its Program Director. In that role, Timothy was responsible for creating, implementing and supervising all emotional growth aspects for the students. He was also responsible for hiring, training and managing the professional staff.
Timothy is known and respected for his ability to be firm, direct yet gentle, insightful, creative, calm in the storm and supportive. He listens deeply and communicates clearly. He is able to develop close working relationships with both the teens and their parents. He unquestionably is a major catalyst that creates a special environment that guides and enables families to heal, change, and grow.
Timothy is able to stay focused on long-term goals all the while staying attentive to immediate needs. He brings a wealth of experience, but understands that healing is a collaborative process between the teens, parents and the consultant, respecting what each brings to the process.
Timothy has mastered simple and effective ways to bring families with struggling teens/young adults toward success. He is intuitive and attentive, and operates from a place of patient understanding. He is flexible and believes in results. He understands that each family member is a part of the whole, and in order to change negative patterns into constructive ones, the whole family dynamic must be addressed.